Bahasa Indonesia
The 3rd International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019 (The 3rd ISIM-MED 2019)
3rd 2019 International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematic and Mathematic Education (ISIMMED) Department of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY
The implementation of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi continues to be consistently promoted by the Department of Mathematics Education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University. One of them is by holding an International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematic and Mathematic Education (ISIMMED). The 2019 international seminar with the theme "Innovation in STEM Education" Current Research Trends and Practices "was attended by hundreds of participants from various public and private universities in Indonesia. The implementation starts from 3-4 October 2019 at the Seminar Room of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University. The Keynote speaker who attended the seminar was Prof. Dr. Jose Antonio Vallejo from the Autonoma de San Luis Potosi University, Mexico with the title of the paper presented namely "Computer, Software, Mathematics, Teaching" and Prof. Dr. Barry Kissane from the School of Education, Murdoch University, Australia with the title of the paper submitted, namely "Integrating technology into learning mathematics: the special place of the scientific calculator" and the third keynote speaker from Yogyakarta State University, Ariyadi Wijaya, Ph.D with the title paper submitted "The role of mathematics teacher in the digital era".
The Dean of FMIPA UNY and the Vice Chancellor in the academic field in his speech expressed his high appreciation for the holding of this international seminar and hoped to continue to be held routinely every year. The program continued with the presentation of core material from two keynote speakers. Prof. Jose in his presentation conveyed the importance of using technology in learning. This is exemplified by giving some mathematical problems that cannot be calculated directly but rather by using technology such as computer-based mathematical applications / programs and calculators. In contrast to Prof. Jose who conveyed the general use of technology, Prof. Barry conveys more specifically the importance of calculators in learning mathematics and the advantages of calculators compared to other technologies in learning mathematics in schools. He even said that the calculator has begun to be improved so that it can calculate more complex numbers or numbers, such as regression analysis for statistics. integrals, trigonometry, matrices, and others in mathematics. After the submission from Prof. Jose and Prof. Barry, the event continued with a parallel session until 16:30 WIB for the first day and resumed the second day with the keynote speaker Mr. Ariyadi Wijaya, Ph.D and continued with a parallel session which ended with the distribution of award certificates for presenters and the best ideas based on the articles presented and the gift of eye for all keynote speakers were directly given by the chair of the mathematics education department, Dr. Ali Mahmudi.
In addition, Prof. Dr. Heri Retnawati as organizing committee of the 2019 ISIMMED said that the theme of the seminar this year was adjusted to the times, especially in the era of industry 4.0. The position of mathematics as one of the important sciences in this world must continue to prove the positive side of its development, both in the scope of its position as a pure and applied science in the world of education because it is able to balance the development of technology (digital era) optimally. In a sense, the application of mathematical theories obtained is not limited to conceptual actualization on a piece of paper, but can be actualized to the maximum through the use of appropriate technology without the limit of space and time. Through the studies obtained, seminar participants will also be expected to be able to give birth to new creativity and innovation in learning mathematics so that they can give birth to a generation that is strong and superior in the mathematical field. Finally, the chairman and all the committee thanked the chancellor, vice chancellor, dean, head of staff, lecturers, participants and all academics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences who had provided prayers and support so that the seminar went smoothly. Hopefully this seminar will give a positive contribution to the world of education especially in mathematics education
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Program Studi Matematika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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