Lecturers and Students of BSM UNY Presented at the 2015 ICAPM Conference in Busan, South Korea
The American Society for Research (ASR) is one of the world's scientific research organizations, which professionally provides forums where members can exchange ideas, information, techniques and methodologies. The 2015 ICAPM Conference is one of the activities organized by ASR. The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM 2015) is an international conference on Physics and Mathematics organized by ASR joining a conference with ICMM 2015 and ICAEE 2015. This activity was held in Busan South Korea on 12-13 February 2015 at the Ibis Ambassador Busan Hotel . The Keynote speaker is Asso. Prof. Po-Liang Liu (National Chung-Hsing University's Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering, Taiwan) and Dr. Jae Hoon Lee (Ehime University, Japan).
The 2015 ICAPM Conference in Busan is the fifth conference. Several previous conferences have been held in several countries namely, the first and second conferences of ICAPM 2011 and ICAPM 2012 in Chennai India, ICAPM 2013 (third conference) in Hong Kong and ICAPM 2014 (fourth conference) in Singapore. The conference was attended by UNY Mathematics lecturers and students namely Dwi Lestari, M.Sc., Muh Rifki Taufik, Tri Wijayanti Septiarini and Kurrotul'Ayun. The paper submitted titled "A Local Stability of Mathematical Models for Cancer Treatment by Using Gene Therapy" by Dwi Lestari. Article titled "Mathematical Models for Vaccinated Tuberculoses with VEIT models" was presented by Muh Rifki Taufik and Tri Wijayanti Septiarini. Meanwhile, Kurrotul ‘Ayun delivered the results of the study entitled" Application of Weighted Fuzzy Time Series Model for Trans Jogja's Passengers Forecast "under the guidance of lecturers Dr.Agus Maman Abadi, M.Si and Fitriana Yuli S, M.Sc. The papers presented were published in the international journal IJAPM (International Journal of Applied Psychology and Mathematics) and IJMO (International Journal of Modeling and Optimization).
At this international conference lecturers and students not only gave presentations but also established communication with mathematicians and science experts. Not only that, they also get scholarship information or universities for further study. This activity received financial assistance from KUIK UNY and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
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Program Studi Matematika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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