"Dedicated Alumni session 2": tips for dealing with the challenges of the workforce at Bank Indonesia and some tips for becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Dedicated alumni activities that were held on Friday 17 November 2017 were presented by Meyla Prima Susilawati, M.Si who was an alumni of BEM in 1997. Meyla graduated from BEM and then took various entrance tests at Bank Indonesia. There are so many participants from well-known universities who took the test and finally Meyla was accepted as an employee of Bank Indonesia (BI) and have been pursuing her career since then. Many messages and experiences conveyed by Meyla in addition to give some tips on entering BI. BEM graduates have a great opportunity to work at BI. BEM graduates with expertise in statistics, applied mathematics, computers, analysis, or algebra all have the same opportunities. They can work in the data analysis, modeling, computing, etc. Not only that, to succeed in pursuing career in BI must be accompanied by perseverance, honesty, and foreign language skills.
The second guest speaker was the 2007 BEM Alumni who were successful by becoming the director of the Pacific Marine School located in Kalasan Yogyakarta. Agung Setya Nugraha, S.Sc. is his full name and addressed as great brother. Dedicated alumni activities make students enthusiastic. Agung explained how to succeed and how to deal with the challenges of the workforce. As an alumni of mathematics the knowledge that was obtained during college is very useful in working world now although it’s not applied directly. Mathematics makes logical thinking. Sharing experiences were also conveyed starting from graduating to working in the maritime world and establishing schools to prepare for work in the shipping and hospitality world. His business success is inseparable from the hard work and his endorsement in Allah SWT and family support. The alumni gathering is expected to run routinely to equip students so that they have good readiness when graduating. We wait for the next activity.
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Kontak Kami
Program Studi Matematika
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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